Friday, September 27, 2024

Join me for an inspiring interview next week

Dear chic friends,

I'm so excited to share that I will be participating in ‘The 21 Ways to Emerge Stronger Summit’ next week!

I will be interviewed by the lovely Raissa where we discuss how to achieve success and breakthroughs after a divorce or a heartbreak. This is a topic I am passionate about having found myself unexpectedly divorced from my first husband at age 29.

This FREE event brings together 21 incredible women (myself included!) sharing our stories and strategies for on how to move forward and thrive after major life transitions.

It’s completely online, so you can join us from anywhere in the world.

I hope you’ll join Raissa and me for what promises to be a jam-packed conversation!

The summit runs from Monday, October 7th to Thursday, October 17th. Book your free spot here.
Shoutout to my homemade coaster!

My sister was lucky enough to travel to NYC recently, and brought me back a pack of Ralph's cold brew coffee! Such a nice treat, and fun to taste something from so far away.

I made an iced coffee with homemade cold foam. The cold foam was so so, I'd probably just use pouring cream next time.

I'm still a novice when it comes to making iced coffees at home, but I'm willing to practice and learn! I have a whole summer coming up in which to do so :)

Creating a nice coffee experience for myself at home (usually without tres pricey flown-in Ralph Lauren coffee!!) is one of the ways in which I live my 'rich lady lifestyle'.

What comes to mind when you think of a rich lady lifestyle?

For me it's time to do what I want, pampering myself, exercising for the sheer pleasure and enjoyment of it, dressing up in my nice clothes, doing my nails, blow-drying my hair, reading a book, going out for lunch, browsing the shops, getting together for afternoon tea.

My twist is that my rich lady is savvy with her money. She creates a fabulous and ‘rich’ lifestyle without spending a lot at all.

My latest book ‘Financially Chic Vol 2' came out on Monday, and you will see that this concept features in it :)

If you would like to create your own rich lady lifestyle, go and get a copy today, on Kindle and in paperback (with the audiobook coming soon), here on my Amazon affiliate link.

Wishing you a fab weekend! It’s a rainy, chilly Friday afternoon here and I’m snuggled up at home, typing away, dreaming up my next book! I hope you are enjoying Financially Chic Vol 2 if you are reading it 😊

xx Fiona

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