Sunday, August 4, 2024

Winery lunches and a new cat

Hello chic friends!
We had a lovely mid-winter Christmas lunch at Craggy Range Winery last weekend. Paul, me, and my mum :)

As always, it was done so well - the food, the ambience, the staff... and I got a nice surprise when a reader came over to say hi. So glad you did, Sam! She is a local lady too.

Going out for a nice lunch is one of my favourite 'meals out', I much prefer it to dinner. Especially in the winter.
The stunning view of Te Mata Peak from Craggy Range Winery

I brought my Lady Dior handbag for a rare outing too. Can I tell you about her? In the early 2000s when I worked in the office for Parfums Christian Dior, we were invited (not often, twice in five years, it was a coveted thing), to the Dior Boutique's friends and family sale.

My Lady Dior bag is one of the items I was able to purchase at a steep discount. From memory I may have paid $350 for it, which at the time was still triple what I'd ever paid for a handbag.

It's such a classic piece that I'm glad I splurged. I knew it was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. It's polished black leather and printed pony which I think you'll agree is a perfect match for my blouse 😂

I still have the clip-on shoulder strap, and have seen fancy people like the uber-elegant Susi Rejano wearing her Lady Dior as a crossbody so maybe I'll try that too.

Do you have something like my bag that you bought at the time and enjoyed, but realise now you are SO GLAD you did, even more? A really special piece that brings back good memories of a fun time, and to make new memories with as well?

Describe away!

We are nearing the end of our reader series of photos to celebrate the release of my newest book ‘100 Ways to Live a Soft, Calm Life’. I have so enjoyed receiving and sharing these photos that you have so thoughtfully sent in to me, so thank you!

I have had good feedback that other lovely ladies are enjoying our little trip around the world too 😊 Yay!

Suzanne, in North Carolina sent me this fairytale looking picture above, and I’ll let her explain where she is:

“I absolutely love your books and writing style. I recently finished your book on living a soft life and enjoyed it so very much. I wanted to share a picture relating to living a soft life.

I was having lunch at a beautiful winery with my husband here in No Carolina, USA, and your book helped me to enjoy the experience even more. Thank you so much. Please don’t ever stop writing!”

Thank you Suzanne! What a lovely message to receive, and your lunch outlook is positively dreamy 😍


For today’s book excerpt, I thought I’d share tip no. 82.

:: Connect with others in a way that suits you ::

“I am happiest when by myself, and often at home, but that doesn’t preclude me from enjoying seeing others.

Over the years I’ve realized that I enjoy certain social experiences more than others. I prefer going out for lunch rather than in the evening, and having people around for dinner at home instead of a restaurant.

I also love hosting ladies afternoon tea.

A friend and I used to meet to watch a movie at the theatre on a Saturday afternoon and it was such an enjoyable visit. We’d have coffee afterwards and discuss the movie as well as catch up on our lives.

Decide for yourself how you most enjoy seeing others, and plan for something soon.”


A new cat in the family!

My mum lost her 17 year old doggie to old age in May, and recently she gave a home to a rescue cat ('last year's kitten') who was looking for a forever home on Facebook.

Her name is Minnie, and she is shy of visitors but loves playing with her toys when home with just mum. I brought her a cat-warming gift of a low-sided basket with some thrift store hand knitted toys and a packet of a dozen table tennis balls (which are distributed throughout the house daily).

How funny is she sitting up in the sun on a dining chair? She knows how to find the sun, like all cats do.

Minnie says 'hello' to you, and she's happy to be in her new home 🐱
Wishing you a wonderful rest of our weekend and a fab new week to come :)
xx Fiona

PS. You can read the sample of ‘100 Ways to Live a Soft, Calm Life’ here on Amazon. It's available on Kindle and in paperback, and the audiobook will be out any day now 😊

(My Amazon links are affiliate but the price doesn’t change for you, thank you if you choose to use my links!)


  1. New cat is very luky and she is happy about her forever new home. I'm doing countdown fo vacancies from work, also if my plan is staycation with more time to sleep, do long walks/trekking in the nature, breakfast/dinner/lunch with friends, read books in the garden and swimming inthe lovely natural swimming pool near home... I think It is a good plan

    1. Hi Giulia, yes Minnie is a lucky girl, she has a wonderful home :) Your staycation sounds positively dreamy, how lovely!


Merci for your comment. Wishing you a chic day!

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