Friday, August 16, 2024

Being unwell, and summer in Finland

 Hello chic friends!

I’ve been laid up with food poisoning this past week, and a cold which I think I caught at the medical centre when I went in for the food poisoning. Such good luck!

Never mind, I’ve got my cozy sofa with the fire going, and of course my seat is stolen whenever I leave my sickbed.

Pets are like wet sand at the beach, you know how your footprint fills in straight away? That’s what pets do when you get up from the sofa...


I’ve read almost a whole Danielle Steel book (so enjoyable! And look at how chic Miss Danielle is in her author photo, below), watched You’ve Got Mail, The Crown, Friends, and Vanderpump Rules too.
A bit of glam, a bit of cozy, a bit of humour, and a bit of history.

With my ladybasket and flute of sparkling water of course.

I’ve even written a few chapters too. Very happy about that.

And, I’m on the mend now, thank goodness 😊

I really hope you are well and not suffering from food poisoning or a cold too!


This week’s reader photos to celebrate the launch of my newest book ‘100 Ways to Live a Soft, Calm Life’ are from Camilla in Finland.

Camilla and her extended family are staying at a summer cottage in Danskog, Finland. She says it is ‘an island with nothing on it but a few summer cottages and a lot of bilberries’ (luckily everyone in the family is happy to spend the days bilberry picking and, if they are really lucky, Camilla will make bilberry cake).

This sounds like the epitome of slow living to me. And a lovely calm, nature-filled way to spend a summer holiday.

Thanks so much for sharing your beautiful photos with us Camilla!


I have another excerpt from ‘100 Ways to Live a Soft, Calm Life’ for you, and it’s no. 97.

:: Go for the kind of lifestyle you want ::

“Identify others who have done it to know that it is possible firstly. Look to them rather than others. Borrow their faith that it’s okay to slow down, live simply, and choose a quiet life.

Don’t let others convince you with their words or their actions, that their (busy, chaotic, stressful) life is the only way to be. They may enjoy it, or perhaps may not know there is another option. Whatever the reason, they get to live their way. And you get to do you.

Keep coming back to your true desires, don’t let them be forgotten about. You might choose different words than soft and calm; whatever describes your happy place, keep them front and centre.

Base life decisions around them. It’s your life.”

I hope there is something in this excerpt for you today.

Wishing you a fab Friday/Thursday and a lovely weekend too!

xx Fiona

PS. You can read or listen to ‘100 Ways to Live a Soft, Calm Life’ on Amazon 😊

(My Amazon links are affiliate but the price doesn’t change for you, thank you if you choose to use my links!)


  1. I love Finland! I attended and presented at a conference there in 2017, and I’d love to go back!$

    1. How cool that you got to visit Finland, it looks stunning!

  2. What a sweet kitty. Hope you feel better soon. You might want to try charcoal tablets or capsules, available from your health food store. They helped me immensely when I had food poisoning.

    1. Thank you, I didn't know about charcoal. I feel better now so hopefully I will never have to try them as I don't want to go through food poisoning again :/ But if I do, I will get some!

  3. Great pics, well cold Is Always a nastro thing, I Hope you feel Better now!!!


Merci for your comment. Wishing you a chic day!

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