Sunday, July 14, 2024

A soft, calm life + Nina cat in her new hoodie ❤️


Hello chic friends!

I'm keeping warm in the winter in my super-soft merino top.

I always bought merino to be cozy in the winter but the scratchiness drove me nuts. I looked for any excuse not to wear my winter tops and when I did I regretted it.

I was resigned to NOT wearing wool and finding something else to wear in the winter. Then I found 'supersoft merino' and it is a revelation. I'm so happy that I bought six of the same top in different colours lol.

Today's excerpt - tip no. 18 - from my newest book "100 Ways to Live a Soft, Calm Life" is for you if you feel the same way about fabric on your skin 😊

:: Surround yourself with cozy textures ::

"Even if it’s not cold outside it’s still nice to drape a light throw over your legs while reading. Choose the softest cotton when you are buying tee-shirts. Pad around in bare feet on soft carpet or wear fuzzy socks if you have hardwood floors. Wear fine cotton palazzo pants or satin pyjama sets as lounge wear.

Let everything that touches your skin feel good.

In the past few years I have discovered pure linen sheets. Oh my gosh, they are lovely! I have built up our collection and almost have two complete sets – the final piece is another top sheet. They aren’t cheap so I wait for special offers, and I know they will last us a while too."

(In case you're interested and are in New Zealand, my supersoft jersey is here.)

(And my linen sheets are these ones: flat plus fitted)



My sweet little Nina cat needed further treatment on the injury under her arm. It almost heals and then she licks it again. I put her collar back on but then her vet suggested a tee shirt, as she still could scratch the area even with a collar on.


Being winter here a pet tee shirt is hard to come by so Nina now wears a sweatshirt! She has two weeks of antibiotics to try and avoid surgery.

Amazingly enough the sweatshirt stays on her, but when she first wore it she wouldn’t walk forwards, only backwards and in circles!! I feel mean but it really made me giggle. It’s all for her own good and it’s just strange for her, not painful in any way.

Doesn’t she look soooo cute, and perhaps a little bit street? 🤭


My darling Nina, almost 14 soon! She is so youthful though 🥰



Do you remember last week I said I would do a little series of photos, inviting readers to send their pictures of anything that depicts living a soft, calm life to them? Well Rachel in the UK sent this lovely image of a pretty mews house near her to play along. Thank you Rachel! It’s delightful 😊

I love walking around nice areas taking in the sights too.


In keeping with this theme, allow me to share tip no. 26 from ‘100 Ways to Live a Soft, Calm Life’, in the bonus chapter ‘50 Ways to Romanticize Your Everyday’ 😊

:: Notice the beauty around you ::

“This is what romanticizing your life is, at it’s simplest.

So what can you see right now? Do you have a view outside? Even if it’s just buildings, you can notice the sky, a far-away tree perhaps, or even birds flying past.

If you are at work and can’t see a lot to admire, perhaps your handcream tube is beautiful.

Train your mind to search for beauty and you will find it.”


🍎🍎 Wintry view across the apple orchard 🍎🍎

I have a bit of a strange thing to let you know about today. It actually feels a bit yuck and I have a horrible feeling in my tummy, but I have had readers reach out to me and I wanted to warn you.

Apparently there are some books recently published that look JUST LIKE mine, with very similar titles, cover art, design and fonts etc, but they are NOT BY ME (it's a different author's name).

I even did a double take myself when I saw the covers I was sent – it was like looking in the book mirror (if there was such a thing 🤣)!

So I just wanted to let you know to check the author name before you press the ‘Buy now with 1-Click’ button.

I find it so strange that someone would want to have their work look so much like mine, but I guess I should take it as a compliment.

I shall try and shake this unsettling feeling off and carry on doing what I do, dreaming up new ideas and writing more books. And recording them as audiobooks too!



And finally, the last of this week's 'soft calm life' photos brought to you by Sharon, from Norfolk in the United Kingdom.


Sharon said:

“Here are a few photos from my summer in the UK so far. It’s a life that you have helped me create. Your books are an inspiration.”


I am so honoured, Sharon. Thank you. I had tears in my eyes when I read this email!


I hope you enjoy these lovely summery English photos from Sharon. It’s especially welcome here on a chilly winter’s day in Hawke’s Bay, New Zealand with icy winds straight from the South Pole. Brrr!


Thank you for joining me for this week's newsletter. I hope you enjoyed it! Thanks to Rachel and Sharon for sending in their 'soft, calm life' photos this week 😊

Wishing you a wonderful Saturday/Sunday wherever you are.

Big hugs,

xx Fiona

PS. If you haven’t already read ‘100 Ways to Live a Soft, Calm Life’, it is available here on Amazon Kindle and in paperback. Audiobook coming soon!


  1. Fiona, Nina looks adorable! I love cats and this just makes me want one again. And I love the idea of sending in a photo to you. I will hopefully do that soon.
    The idea that someone would copy your style is so disturbing. I've seen other books that are a little too close to your covers and it actually makes me not want to buy them, just because I feel it's disrespectful.

    I am looking forward to buying your latest book.

    Have a wonderful week!

  2. Nina is ADORABLE ! Hope she gets well soon. Lovely blog, Fiona. XO

  3. The hoodie is perfect for Nina, loving the post and the pics!!!

  4. You are an original Fiona and people will spot that right away.
    Yes, you are chic, but I personally find your blog cozy.
    I really enjoy your pet pictures and your beautiful homeland.
    Sharon sent beautiful pictures and I had to look twice to notice she was ringing the church or chapel bell.
    Thank you for a lovely blog.

    1. I love cozy too. Chic and cozy sounds perfect don't you think? x

  5. I feel the same about your style. I find it chic, classy, but cozy. I think it is such a lovely combination. I also love that you encourage everyone to find their own style of chic and cozy. Variety makes this world so much more interesting, don't you think? Also, I enjoy your videos so much. I had initially found you on YouTube and watched a lot of your videos which were so inspiring. I enjoyed one that I watched again yesterday about having a beautiful mind. It was so encouraging and I loved your wonderful nuggets of wisdom. Then I started collecting your books on kindle but want some in paper form as I love books in their natural form. I did get your book about the peaceful life in audio version for a soothing listen. Thank you for being you! 🫶

    1. What a lovely comment to receive, thank you! And yes, variety is wonderful. In others as you say, but also as a personal choice :)


Merci for your comment. Wishing you a chic day!

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