Sunday, July 28, 2024

Feminine Lifestyle Inspiration

Hello everyone!
It's been a bright sunny day here and I'm bright and sunny in my mind too.

I don't know if you can relate to this, but sometimes my mind gets into a heavy tangle and it WEIGHS ME DOWN. I've felt a bit like this recently and I wish it didn't happen, but it does.

Something I read made a lot of sense, it was about the mind needing to be still and the body active but most of us do it the other way around.

And that the answer to calm an overactive mind is to move our body, as much as we might not feel like it. That's why I always feel so good if I go for a walk, even a short one.

So many of us sit at a desk for our work that it's hard to have dedicated moving time, but hopefully we can get up and do something instead of sitting there hour after hour.

When I worked in an office in the city I'd go for a walk in my lunch break instead of staying in the office to eat my lunch. Unless it was really rainy or cold, but even then it always felt better to get out into the natural light and fresh air.

Something else that helps for me is to pump myself up on positivity when I need it - I'm putting air in my tyres when I'm feeling flat! It makes a huge difference.

If you're feeling a little tangled or flat yourself, I hope you can identify a few ways in which you can feel better.
I've got some lovely reader photos to share with you this week, on living a soft, calm life to celebrate the release of my new book '100 Ways to Live a Soft, Calm Life'.
First up is from reader Cathleen, who lives in the Netherlands.

Here’s what Cathleen has to say:

This is a photo from the end of September 2023 when the leaves were just starting to turn. I was out for my daily constitutional in my village here in the Netherlands. I’m a Scot who’s lived here for 40yrs and I still love how neat, tidy, super organised and well-presented everything is. I live in a village near The Hague in what’s called the province of ‘South Holland’.”

It is such a beautiful photo and looks more like artwork than 'everyday life' for people 😊 Thank you Cathleen!


Now more than ever we owe it to ourselves to slow down our external and our internal worlds. No-one else is going to do it for us.

As females our nervous systems are more ‘delicate’ and we can find ourselves more easily stressed if we don’t take the initiative in calming our surroundings, sinking into a softer mindset, and soothing ourselves with enjoyable pursuits.

It is only then that we can 'pour from a full cup'.

I many of you have already read '100 Ways to Live a Soft, Calm Life' and even left a review on Amazon. I thank you so much for that! I read all my reviews and am so grateful. And if you have constructive advice for me I take that on too.

It is available on Kindle and in paperback, with the audiobook coming very soon, here on Amazon.


How cute is this outdoor area? It belongs to reader Julia from St. Ann, Missouri, USA, and she sent it in to me to join our petite series on living a soft, calm life.

Her husband calls it her happy place, and Julia told me she looks forward to bringing her plants out every year and reading ‘in her happy place’.

I love it!

It makes me think of creating your own reading nook, except Julia's is in her garden. So, so lovely.

I want to share an excerpt from ‘100 Ways to Live a Soft, Calm Life’ today, which I think suits Julia’s delightful photo well.

It’s tip no. 16. from the bonus chapter ‘50 Ways to Romanticize Your Everyday’.

:: Plan a little picnic ::

“Whether it’s a carpet picnic inside, taking a rug outdoors to your lawn, or going to a public park or beach, there’s something so romantic about sitting cross-legged with a few delicious snacky foods and a delicious drink.”

Even when it’s winter like it is here in Hawke’s Bay, New Zealand, we can still spend some time outdoors (in between rain showers, when the sun peeks out!) I do love wintry weather but it felt like a real tonic to sit in the sun eating my lunch a few days this week.


Ann-Marie in Howell, Michigan, USA sent me the gorgeous photo above, and said:

“I read in your latest email that you are inviting readers to send you pretty pictures from their soft and calm lives. I would be happy for you to share my name and location with other readers.

I'm sending a colorful picture I took recently of some beautiful peonies in full bloom. I like to take pictures of my flowers so that I can enjoy them beyond just a few days. I also like this composition because it shows some delicious fruit that we bought in peak season.

Here's to the simple life!”

Such a lovely idea to take photos of flowers and fruit at their peak so that you can have your own little library of delights. I love it!

I picked six daffodils a few days ago, which are starting to come up in our garden. Flowers really are a gift to our soul aren’t they? 😊


I’d like to share another excerpt, and it’s tip no. 37.

:: Keep up little home details that delight you ::

“Some ladies buy themselves an inexpensive bouquet of flowers each week. I go through phases of this depending on what is available and how much they cost.

But something I never fail to do in my environment is to change my hand towels daily, and my pillow slips twice a week (once when I change the sheets, and once in between changes).

Doing this creates only a miniscule amount of extra laundry but these two details bring me so much happiness I can’t say! It’s a pleasure to always dry my hands on a clean towel, and I love having fresh pillow slips more often too.

Find areas like this in your home (or borrow mine) and create a little extra luxury for yourself.”
And our final photo on living a soft, calm life this week is from Leslie in British Columbia, Canada.

Leslie said:

'You continue to inspire…here is my morning view…listening to the birdsong.'

Thank you so much for sharing Leslie! I love your blue and white striped shirt and your red geraniums too ❤️💙❤️💙❤️


I have to share a funny comment from my mother. She gave me a packet of rice crackers which I wasn't sure I would like, they were salted caramel flavour. I sent her a text when I tried them with cheese, saying they were very nice.

She asked what kind of cheese I had, and I said brie and colby. She was that was ideal, that they suited 'a soft, calm cheese' 😂😂😂 My mum has a good sense of humour!

I hope you're having a lovely weekend. We're watching bits and pieces of the Olympics here. Wasn't the opening ceremony wonderful? So fun to see beautiful Paris, and Celine Dion was amazing.
xx Fiona
PS. My Amazon links are 'affiliate' which means I may earn a small commission from items that you purchase through them, at no extra cost to you. I appreciate it if you choose to use my links!

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Soft, Calm Life Inspiration

Hello friends!

I’ve been loving my outdoor walks lately, even though it’s winter. Although, perhaps winter is better for walking outside… it’s not so hot, I get to rug up warm, take an audiobook with me for company, and appreciate the outdoors. Sometimes I’ll carry an umbrella too if the weather looks dodgy 😊

I take the doggies for their walk, then drop them home, poke them inside the front door and escape for my own walk. A dog walk is not really a person walk as you will know if you have a dog or three. A dog walk involves stopping to sniff 100 times, plus getting under your feet if it’s our Daphne dog. The other two are better at not tripping me up, phew!

Today I thought I’d share tip no. 30 from my newest book ‘100 Ways to Live a Soft, Calm Life’. It goes along with the topic you see 😊


:: Be in your body ::

“Do a ten-minute full body stretch, or a ten-minute sensual dance routine. Follow a video on YouTube for ideas.

Move your body. Love your body. She wants to flow and sway, not be rigid like a dry twig.

Set up a yoga mat permanently if you have the room or at least have it rolled up nearby so you can have five glorious minutes lying on your back stretching your hands above your head and pointing your toes in the opposite direction without having to go to too much bother.

Get into the habit of letting your body feel meltingly soft. Let yourself feel like you are filled with warm gooey gel. It’s a delicious way to be!”


Walking is one of those ‘delicious’ things for me. I just love it. I like things to be simple, and there really is no prep work for walking other than putting on your shoes. Sometimes I’ll change into leggings and a top, and other times I’ll just go for a stroll in my clothes I have on.


You can read ‘100 Ways to Live a Soft, Calm Life’ for free on Kindle Unlimited, and it’s available to purchase on Kindle and in paperback from Amazon here.


I am continuing my fun series of reader photos to celebrate the launch of '100 Ways to Live a Soft, Calm Life', where I invite readers to send in photos of anything that depicts living a soft, calm life in their eyes.

I have a real treat for you today. One of my writing students, Ann in Arizona, USA has sent images from her travels. They are stunning!

In Ann's words...

'Nothing beats floating in the private lagoon at the Silica Hotel in Iceland. 7 minute walk from the Blue lagoon.'

'So calming to watch the feluccas sail along the Nile early in the morning.'

‘Wild horses grazing by the ocean on Easter Island. (fun fact: the horse outnumber the people 8:1)’

Thanks so much Ann, for your beautiful photos 😊

There's nothing so exotic here in Hawke's Bay, New Zealand, but we have enjoyed a beautifully mild, blue-skied winter's day.

I've not long returned from another walk outside and I'm nicely buzzing. You know that blissful feeling when after you've done a little invigorating exercise? I wasn’t even walking that fast; just noodling along listening to an audiobook but it was simply lovely.
My sister Catherine took these gorgeous photos during the week. They have had a number of foggy mornings where she lives, and she was out walking her dog when she snapped these.

I asked for her permission to share them because I thought they went so well with my current series of soft, calm photos to mark the release of  '100 Ways to Live a Soft, Calm Life'.

Walking your dog and taking in the gentle foggy sights, feeling the cool dampness on your skin, capturing beautiful images... and even the enveloping feeling of low cloud and fog promotes a feeling of calm and softness. Like there is no-one else in the world except you at that moment.


Isn’t she such a talented photographer? I love how everything is tones of grey, even the bird below. (Apparently this is a White-Faced Heron according to the AI description in my phone's Photo app.)


I hope you enjoyed this week's images, and I wish you a happy rest of your weekend and week to come. I am going for 'calm and productive' as my mantra from the upcoming week 😊
xx Fiona
PS. You can read '100 Ways to Live a Soft, Calm Life' instantly on Amazon Kindle, and order the paperback too.

And the audiobook is on its way! It’s been recorded and submitted, now it just needs to filter through all the various audiobook channels, hopefully in a week or two it should pop up on Audible.
(My Amazon links are affiliate, which means I may earn a small commission on items you purchase, at no extra cost to you. I appreciate it if you choose to use my links!)

Sunday, July 14, 2024

A soft, calm life + Nina cat in her new hoodie ❤️


Hello chic friends!

I'm keeping warm in the winter in my super-soft merino top.

I always bought merino to be cozy in the winter but the scratchiness drove me nuts. I looked for any excuse not to wear my winter tops and when I did I regretted it.

I was resigned to NOT wearing wool and finding something else to wear in the winter. Then I found 'supersoft merino' and it is a revelation. I'm so happy that I bought six of the same top in different colours lol.

Today's excerpt - tip no. 18 - from my newest book "100 Ways to Live a Soft, Calm Life" is for you if you feel the same way about fabric on your skin 😊

:: Surround yourself with cozy textures ::

"Even if it’s not cold outside it’s still nice to drape a light throw over your legs while reading. Choose the softest cotton when you are buying tee-shirts. Pad around in bare feet on soft carpet or wear fuzzy socks if you have hardwood floors. Wear fine cotton palazzo pants or satin pyjama sets as lounge wear.

Let everything that touches your skin feel good.

In the past few years I have discovered pure linen sheets. Oh my gosh, they are lovely! I have built up our collection and almost have two complete sets – the final piece is another top sheet. They aren’t cheap so I wait for special offers, and I know they will last us a while too."

(In case you're interested and are in New Zealand, my supersoft jersey is here.)

(And my linen sheets are these ones: flat plus fitted)



My sweet little Nina cat needed further treatment on the injury under her arm. It almost heals and then she licks it again. I put her collar back on but then her vet suggested a tee shirt, as she still could scratch the area even with a collar on.


Being winter here a pet tee shirt is hard to come by so Nina now wears a sweatshirt! She has two weeks of antibiotics to try and avoid surgery.

Amazingly enough the sweatshirt stays on her, but when she first wore it she wouldn’t walk forwards, only backwards and in circles!! I feel mean but it really made me giggle. It’s all for her own good and it’s just strange for her, not painful in any way.

Doesn’t she look soooo cute, and perhaps a little bit street? 🤭


My darling Nina, almost 14 soon! She is so youthful though 🥰



Do you remember last week I said I would do a little series of photos, inviting readers to send their pictures of anything that depicts living a soft, calm life to them? Well Rachel in the UK sent this lovely image of a pretty mews house near her to play along. Thank you Rachel! It’s delightful 😊

I love walking around nice areas taking in the sights too.


In keeping with this theme, allow me to share tip no. 26 from ‘100 Ways to Live a Soft, Calm Life’, in the bonus chapter ‘50 Ways to Romanticize Your Everyday’ 😊

:: Notice the beauty around you ::

“This is what romanticizing your life is, at it’s simplest.

So what can you see right now? Do you have a view outside? Even if it’s just buildings, you can notice the sky, a far-away tree perhaps, or even birds flying past.

If you are at work and can’t see a lot to admire, perhaps your handcream tube is beautiful.

Train your mind to search for beauty and you will find it.”


🍎🍎 Wintry view across the apple orchard 🍎🍎

I have a bit of a strange thing to let you know about today. It actually feels a bit yuck and I have a horrible feeling in my tummy, but I have had readers reach out to me and I wanted to warn you.

Apparently there are some books recently published that look JUST LIKE mine, with very similar titles, cover art, design and fonts etc, but they are NOT BY ME (it's a different author's name).

I even did a double take myself when I saw the covers I was sent – it was like looking in the book mirror (if there was such a thing 🤣)!

So I just wanted to let you know to check the author name before you press the ‘Buy now with 1-Click’ button.

I find it so strange that someone would want to have their work look so much like mine, but I guess I should take it as a compliment.

I shall try and shake this unsettling feeling off and carry on doing what I do, dreaming up new ideas and writing more books. And recording them as audiobooks too!



And finally, the last of this week's 'soft calm life' photos brought to you by Sharon, from Norfolk in the United Kingdom.


Sharon said:

“Here are a few photos from my summer in the UK so far. It’s a life that you have helped me create. Your books are an inspiration.”


I am so honoured, Sharon. Thank you. I had tears in my eyes when I read this email!


I hope you enjoy these lovely summery English photos from Sharon. It’s especially welcome here on a chilly winter’s day in Hawke’s Bay, New Zealand with icy winds straight from the South Pole. Brrr!


Thank you for joining me for this week's newsletter. I hope you enjoyed it! Thanks to Rachel and Sharon for sending in their 'soft, calm life' photos this week 😊

Wishing you a wonderful Saturday/Sunday wherever you are.

Big hugs,

xx Fiona

PS. If you haven’t already read ‘100 Ways to Live a Soft, Calm Life’, it is available here on Amazon Kindle and in paperback. Audiobook coming soon!

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Sunday lunch, and living a soft, calm life

Me and my Banoffi pie

Dear chic friends,
Another Sunday, another family lunch! This one with more people than usual though, and at my aunty’s place last weekend.

Our delightful dining setting
It was such a lovely afternoon. I took a gluten-free Banoffi Pie by request. I love baking for get-togethers; it’s usually the only time I bake.
Although Banoffi Pie really is just a matter of assembling so it probably doesn’t technically count as baking :)

1. Make the biscuit base (I used gluten-free biscuits, whizz those to fine crumbs and mix with melted butter).

2. Top with a tin of caramelized condensed milk.

Refrigerate overnight.

3. Top with slices of banana.

4. Cover with thickened cream.

5. Grate chocolate over top.

I made this in a springform pan, but it would be lovely made in individual ramekins or teacups.

I’d sprinkle the biscuit base in rather than pack it down, spoon over the caramelized condensed milk, then add slices of banana, cream and chocolate nearer serving time.

I will do that next time :)

Delicious roast lunch

Micky up on the sofa where he probably shouldn't be

And likewise Chloe and Daphne, taking up a seat in the conservatory!

It really was a lovely way to spend a Sunday afternoon :)

Can I just say how lucky I am to have such lovely readers?

Firstly, I received a request by email asking for one or two tips from my new book ‘100 Ways to Live a Soft, Calm Life’. Of course! 😊

Secondly, another lovely reader, Kirsten from Victoria, Canada sent me this photo of a beautiful rose from her garden. She gave me permission to use it and to say her name and location too.

I had a thought that it would be a fun thing to ask YOU to send me a pretty photo you've taken also, and I can share them with everyone on other posts. It could be anything you associate with living a soft, calm life.

I'd love it if you'd play along! It just needs to be your photo though, I don't want to share someone one else’s work without permission.

And let me know if you are happy for me to share your name and/or location too.

You can email me fiona at howtobechic dot com or send a direct message on Instagram or Facebook, although sometimes those can get a bit lost I find (I try to respond to them but occasionally I find a really old message that got stuck - eek!)

Yay! I think this will be fun. Also, number one in three categories! Woohoo!

Let's get into the first one though. Today I'd like to share no. 49:

:: Choose softness as your new standard ::

“Living a softer life is not just about having everything perfect and thinking there will never be a problem. This unrealistic thought might stop you from thinking it is possible for you to relax into living the way you desire.

In life, we will always have issues, both big and small, but when you take on being calm, measured, and down-to-earth as your default, you will be able to handle problems more easily.

Don’t fall into victim mode and wonder ‘why do these things always happen to me?’ because problems happen every day to everyone. It’s part of being human.

Just know that your only job is to choose to live in a softer way, and that it is fully possible for you to do so.” 


Connie, from Chicago, USA sent the picture above, which was taken on The Great Lawn of Millennium Park, where people were listening to the Chicago Symphony Orchestra playing during their music festival. She met up with new people who were eating snacks and drinking wine during the event and said it was a picture-perfect day.

I love days like this too! It’s almost like everything aligns perfectly and it’s just such a dreamy wonderful day. One to remember for years to come.

Connie said it reminded her of number 98 in ‘100 Ways to Live a Soft, Calm Life’. So shall we read that tip too? I think so 😊

::Get out and do all the things you can imagine yourself doing when you are living your idealistic life::

"Foreign movies on the big screen, live nights at a local jazz club, visiting museums and galleries, walking through beautiful public gardens, going to the theatre or a comedy show.

I’m a total homebody to the point that I can realize sometimes it’s been ages since I went to something out of the ordinary, and that’s the perfect time to plan something new.

Like a vacation, it shakes things up and gives you a fresh perspective.”

Thanks so much Connie for your lovely photo. It looks so summery and relaxing 😊 Nice to dream about when it’s winter here in New Zealand.


Penny in Runaway Bay, Australia sent in this photo (above). Isn't it pretty? And a little bit dreamy too?

Penny said she couldn't bear to throw out her past-their-best roses so sprinkled the petals in a bowl for a few more days of loveliness. Such a nice idea.

I thought tip no. 2 from the bonus chapter '50 Ways to Romanticize Your Everyday' would be nice with this image :)

::Recreate an idea from a magazine or Pinterest::

"Whether it’s an artfully plated breakfast, laying out on a blanket under a tree to read in the shade, or arranging your closet so that it resembles a stylish boutique, there are always new inspirations to elevate any area of your life.

Next time you come across something that appeals, give it a go straight away."

It goes perfectly with Penny's beautifully set rose petal table 🧡💛


And finally, in celebration of living a soft, calm life Sharon from Central Illinois, USA sent in some lovely photos.

I just adore receiving these pretty pictures in the (e)mail and being able to share them with you. They are equal parts soothing and inspiring 😊

In her words Sharon will explain each photo.

Take it away Sharon!


Sharon’s version of a soft life:

1) I had time to polish the silver that I use most often, so it's all in one place in the living room before putting it away

2) my toes in the bath with lots of tea lights

3) finished a jigsaw puzzle. I put on an audio book and make a big mug of coffee, and turn on the bright torchiere, and time just flies by

4) on a walk, you see the most gorgeous flowers thanks to neighbors' gardens

5) (above) & 6) (below) I frequently post on FB a daily pic of my feet propped up on the back deck in the morning as I drink my only cup of caffeinated coffee for the day. I call it the "Deck Report" with an assessment of the weather that day. People like my shoes. ;-)

All lovely ideas, and I adore Sharon’s pretty jigsaw puzzle 😊 And look at the beautiful green view from the back deck. So tranquil.

Thank you for sharing Sharon!


This post and these images are to celebrate the release of my newest book ‘100 Ways to Live a Soft, Calm Life’, and it was such a pleasure to write too. I hope you feel soft and fluffy as you read it. I’m currently recording the audiobook which is fun as well. Very soothing 😊

This book is currently available on Kindle and in paperback here on Amazon.

Wishing you a lovely rest of your weekend. I hope it has been soft and calm for you as well!
 xx Fiona

(PS. My Amazon links are affiliate, which means I may earn a small commission from qualifying purchases at no extra cost to you. I’m grateful if you choose to use my link!)
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