Friday, June 28, 2024


Dear chic friends,
Yes, today's the day to share my newest book with you!

100 Ways to Live a Soft, Calm Life was written to help you feel at peace and soothed, even with the world in turmoil.

I know we can avoid the news, but we still know big things are happening. It feels like this has been the case since pre-2020 but it's true!

It's important for us not only to have compassion for others who are going through tough times, but also to be able to enjoy the blessed life we have ourselves.

Many of us have a lovely life, but it can feel hard to appreciate it at times, a) because there is a lot of worrying to be doing, and b) we're busy, and c) we might even feel a little guilty.

This book is the antidote to worry, stress, and guilt. It contains 100 tips on living, yes, a softer, calmer life ๐Ÿ˜Š On appreciating our perfectly imperfect life exactly as it is today. And of course there are plenty of ideas in which to make things better, both in our mindset and in our surroundings.

We have had THE rainiest weather all week, just perfect for snuggling
up in my home office putting the finishing touches to this book!

As well, there are bonus 50 tips on romanticizing your life, which was delightful to write. In fact, the whole book feels soft and warm, like sinking into a bubble bath ๐Ÿ’—

If you would like something to read for a few hours of relaxing time with your favourite beverage, I invite you to take a look at 100 Ways to Live a Soft, Calm Life - maybe it's your new weekend read?

It's available on Kindle and in paperback, and the audiobook will be coming soon as well - some time next month.

I really hope you love this book and that it 'works' as intended! That you will feel soothed and more peaceful when you have finished, with a renewed sense of 'can-do' for your wonderful life.

Happy reading and thank you for your support!

xx Fiona

Saturday, June 22, 2024

A social week and journalling 'with friends'

Hello chic friends!

Paul and I went out for a special meal and it was so nice to get dressed up and go out :)

Craggy Range Winery has the most spectacular backdrop, as you can see. If you are ever in Hawke's Bay I would recommend it for lunch or dinner.


It was obviously quite the social week, because I hosted ladies afternoon tea for a family birthday too. Everyone brings a plate and we have a lovely get-together.


Doing some delicious journaling first thing, snuggled up in bed with a cup of tea when… paws come out from under the alpaca rug and reach for my paper ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ Too cute!

Do you have 'helpers' when you do things too? ๐Ÿ˜‰
That's all for this week. I am very happy because I finished my next book this morning, so it's onto editing and proofreading etc, and I hope to have it out very soon!

Have a wonderful weekend.
xx Fiona
PS. You can check out my latest audiobooks here on Audible, and in my eStore. And if you prefer to read, all my eBooks and paperbacks are on Amazon here.

(My Amazon links are affiliate, which means I may earn a small commission from qualifying purchases at no extra cost to you. I’m grateful if you choose to use my link!)

Saturday, June 15, 2024

A new podcast interview :)


Dear chic friends,
I was lucky enough to be the first guest on this lovely new podcast called 'Pockets of Joy' with Niamh O'Connell.

You can watch it on YouTube (click below), or find wherever you listen to your podcasts.

It was such a fun chat, I really enjoyed it. Thank you Niamh for having me on your new show!


Last Monday was such a mild, breezy day it's hard to believe we're into winter now. I went for a lovely long walk without the doggies. It was all about me-me-me (and they'd already been for two walks that day ๐Ÿ˜Š).

I got to stride it out (in a relaxed manner of course), listening to a podcast with my new excellent bluetooth headband from Aliexpress. Best $5 I've spent I think!

It's better than my airpods for walking too, because I can hear everything even if it's windy.

I love walking outside so much. It's good for the soul with the fresh air, nature, and vitamin D. Life is good!

Do you love walking outdoors too? It's such an antidote to being inside ๐Ÿ˜Š

(This is the headband I bought here if you are interested! It charged up quickly and has lasted two 40-minute walks so far on one charge. And it only took about a week to be delivered. Amazing!)


I finished this jigsaw puzzle and I honestly didn't think I could! It's the prettiest picture and colours, set in Provence. That's why I chose it, but I didn't look at the wash of colour in the foreground. It was a difficult one for sure, but I picked away at it and put bits in now and then, and now it's finished!

(This puzzle was a thrifted one in quite an old looking box, and I was worried it would have a piece missing but all 500 pieces were there. Hoorah! The first thrifted puzzle I did was missing a piece right in the middle. Boo! It's a roll of the dice for sure ๐Ÿคฃ)

I think puzzles are a great way to approach life too. There are goals we want to achieve that we think we'll never arrive at, but if we just keep doing a little bit each day and re-remember what we want, we'll get there. Sometimes it's the remembering what I want that's hardest. I have goal amnesia all the time!

I feel a bit the same about my audiobooks as I do about jigsaw puzzles haha. I'm recording them one at a time, and because there is no ordering data readily available I have no idea if anyone is even listening to them! But I just keep on going, finish one book and go onto the next. I know people definitely can't listen to them if they don't exist, so I make them exist.

The most recent of my audiobooks to be released is here on Amazon or in my eStore.

'Thirty More Chic Days' is about creating an inspired mindset for a magical life. There really is something wonderful that can be brought to life when you combine practical actions with a positive and optimistic state of mind.

I love to pump myself up mentally and emotionally if I'm feeling flat, and taking action in my surroundings or with myself at the same time. It is indeed almost magical when you can feel more activated and happy within a relatively short time.

You can listen to this audiobook wherever you usually get your audiobooks, and you can even ask your library to order it in and listen for free!

And in select countries where it is available, you can listen for free on Spotify Premium too.

I hope you have a great weekend!

xx Fiona

(My Amazon links are affiliate, which means I may earn a small commission from qualifying purchases at no extra cost to you. I’m grateful if you choose to use my link!)

Saturday, June 8, 2024

THE most beautiful sunset, doggie art, and living the glam life!

Dear chic friends,

We had the most beautiful sunset the other night! Isn't it incredible? I promise I haven’t added colour to this photo ☺️

We missed out seeing any of the aurora lights a few weeks back, so I feel this is an excellent consolation prize! ๐Ÿงก๐Ÿฉท๐Ÿ’›


My sister Catherine painted the most beautiful picture of mum’s dog Milly who recently passed away (aged almost 17). The painting was based on a car photo taken a number of years ago when dad’s dog Tilly was still alive too (she’s the corgi ish doggie below ๐Ÿงก)

I remember that day driving around with four dogs in my car ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ Such fun!

Plus, how talented is my sister! You can see her art here on Instagram.


And to finish, let's talk about living the glam life shall we ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ Who’s with me?

In Chapter 20 ‘Your glam life starts now’ I detail how you can live your glam life today, and every day, by becoming someone who:

• Looks for the positive as much as possible.

• Talks everything up.

• Chooses beauty to surround herself with.

• Endeavours to be a bright ray of sunshine every day.

• Applies a golden-rose filter to how she views things.

• Elevates all areas in her life with a dash of glamour.

• Ignites all her senses – she actually goes through them and sees that she is enhancing her experience in each area: What’s in her line of vision, check! What she hears, check! The scents around her, check! How something feels on her skin, check! The tastes she treats herself to, check! And the thoughts in her mind – they are positive and uplifting. Check!

• Goes through her schedule: Where she spends her time, who she is with and how she is dressed and makes it even more special. She takes it over the top, in a good way.

• Acts in alignment with her ideal self. When something feels a little off, she finds out why and sorts it. She keeps her peace of mind this way.

• Chooses the glamour route and is happy to expend that little bit more effort because she knows it’s worth it.

Sometimes the glamour route does take more effort. Remember, if it was easy everyone would be doing it. Don’t be average and your life won’t be average. You are next-level. Not everyone can have your glamorous life and of course not everyone will want it, but you do. You love to enjoy your daily life and you let yourself do that in perhaps an unconventional way.


I hope you enjoyed this little pep talk today! I loved writing ‘The Glam Life’. It was so much fun to dream big and be a little over-the-top.

It’s out now on Audible as well as on Kindle and in print. You can see it at my Amazon affiliate link (here) or in my eStore here for an Amazon alternative (eBook and audiobook).

Wishing you a wonderfully glam day today!
 xx Fiona

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Introducing myself!

Hello chic friends,
I always enjoy it when people on social media reintroduce themselves periodically (maybe I'm nosy?), so, here I am! Introducing myself to you! Hello whether you are new to me or have been following me forever ๐Ÿ˜Š

My name is Fiona and I live with my husband Paul (married for 16 years, together for 21) and rescue pets in beautiful Hawke's Bay, New Zealand. I was born in this region 53 years ago and moved away for ages but then came back. I've always lived within New Zealand though.

I have my dream career - I write books and self-publish on Amazon, and from that also came publication into three other languages through traditional publishers.

Autumn hues with my herb planter in the foreground ๐Ÿ‚๐Ÿ‚๐Ÿ‚

Doesn't nature have the prettiest colours each season?
I truly am in awe most days when I step outside.

Nothing compares ๐Ÿฅฐ

 I've always loved reading, and always wanted to be an author.

I love pretty, girly things, being at home, creating (whether it's with words, sewing materials, or baking when I have guests), and living a simple, quiet, happy life.

My books are all on different topics but their common thread is that they are about living a fab life without spending a lot of money. Plus, setting up your mindset to assist, because everything is easier and more enjoyable then.

Please, tell me something about you! Have you been here long? I'd love to get to know you more ๐Ÿ˜Š

xx Fiona

PS. You can see all my books on Amazon (Kindle, paperback, Audible audiobook) at my affiliate link here.
Or eBooks and audiobooks in my eStore for an Amazon alternative.
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