Saturday, May 18, 2024

Mothers Day, and a Chic Success tip

Hello chic friends!
Last Sunday we had ladies afternoon tea at my Mum’s for Mother’s Day :)

It was a lovely afternoon with Prosecco, coffee, and afternoon tea treats.

I made the Edmonds chocolate cake again but instead of the icing being too stiff I made it too runny ๐Ÿคญ Maybe the third one will be just right!


With love from Miss Nina enjoying the crisp Autumn sunshine here in Hawke’s Bay


This is my darling 'kitten' Nina (now 14 years old, according to the estimated date of birth on her adoption records).

She healed well from her climbing injury a few months back (a little gash under her arm) and is her old self again - racing around, catching mice outside (and bringing them in ๐Ÿ˜ฎ), plus scaring the dogs. She is the Queen Bee and the boss!

She is so tiny, and quite self-contained and independent too. Although she always sneaks up onto our bed at night after the dogs have gone to sleep in their beds.

Her current favourite food is Fancy Feast Petite Delights. Any other brand is left uneaten... She also doesn't mind a few slivers of fresh fish when we have it for dinner each week.

We adopted her in Auckland when we lived there, from a cat shelter along with her mother Jessica. (Jessica crossed Rainbow Bridge about 18 months ago, rest in peace my sweet princess.)

Nina was so stressed when we moved here since she'd only lived in the one house with us, but she's good now that we've been here seven years and loves her life in the country.


She really is a sweet girl, very gentle and friendly, and prefers affection on her own terms. She is a self-patter, meaning she likes to be in charge of the patting and not feel too smothered. You hold your hand out and she will deign to rub herself against you!

I regularly find her on my writing desk sitting under the lamp which has a halogen bulb so it’s warm, and if I get up she always steals my seat.

She's a funny wee thing and we love her ๐Ÿฅฐ If you have a cat, Nina sends love and wishes your way, and even if you don't she'll share a purr. She’s generous like that!



Inspiration for today ๐Ÿ˜Š

I thought I'd share a little excerpt from my latest book "100 Ways to be a Chic Success and Create Your Dream Life".

This one is tip no. 43.

"Become the CEO of your life.

Imagine if your life was an organisation – mine would be The Fiona Company. And within, you would have many different departments: the health department, the finance department, the home department, the love department, the career or job department. How fun does that sound! And you’re in charge of everything!

As the CEO, you would want to oversee all these various components of your company and ensure they are running smoothly. Because if any of the departments are not going well it’s not good for business.

Just simple things like looking at the finance department and making sure it’s not spending more money than is coming in. Or the health department that enough fresh fruit and vegetables are being delivered to that floor, and are being used up!

It’s a little bit silly, but I often find that looking at things from a different angle can give us insights or Ahas that can help us a lot."

I love thinking about things using this tip, it really does give me a different angle to be inspired by if I'm feeling blah.

Think about your company - it's so fun to name it - and what departments you want to focus on at the moment.

Today I am going to tidy my writing desk and clear away all the financial admin (receipts and paperwork laying around etc), so I guess that would be the Finance Department.

I also want to do some writing on my next book (which is 2/3 finished!), so that would be the Career Department.

Even just dreaming up all the different departments of your company would be an inspiring journal prompt! Make them fun names too. Perhaps your Finance Department could be the Wealth Department, and your Health Department could be the Beauty and Vibrancy Department.

Please let me know the name of your company, and which departments you will be working in today!


And if you are wondering what other ladies think of this book... (thank you to my readers who leave reviews for me on Amazon, it really makes my day, my week!)


Another day, another dog walk! We like to go for multiple short walks a day instead of one long one.

I sometimes put leashes on to walk away from home, then let them off to run back. Otherwise it is a slow walk ๐Ÿ˜‚ I tend to keep fluffy white Micky dog on his leash because he has zero road sense, and even though we don't get much traffic, we do get some. It could be a dogsaster for all concerned ๐Ÿ˜ฌ

But Daphne and Chloe are very good at staying on the side of the road and I can trust them off-leash. Sometimes we walk in the paddock, but it's mostly just up and down the road. There is a slope so it's good for the heart rate!

I heard a great quote once that said to 'walk your dog every day, even if you don't have one', and it's true, walking a dog is a great excuse to get outside and absorb some Vitamin D, no matter the weather. And if you don't have a dog, still do it anyway ๐Ÿ˜‚

Walking outside is such a happy pleasure of mine. When we lived in the city I used to walk around our neighbourhood listening to inspiring audios on my headphones, and I loved to go window-shopping downtown too. It was an exercise walk and a lovely look around all at the same time ๐Ÿ˜Š

Are you a happy walker like I am? Where are your favourite places to walk?


Nature's beauty from our front lawn ✨

I hope you're having a lovely week as it draws to a close - the working week that is anyway. I've been so productive! Working on my next book, finishing up my next audiobook (Thirty More Chic Days), and still not managing to tidy my desk ๐Ÿ™ˆ Maybe tomorrow!

What are you proud of yourself for doing this week? I'm most proud that I've been writing my new book. I was letting my writing be further down the priority queue than it deserved to be. Once I'd done other things, often there wasn't time for writing, so it missed out for another day.

I started doing it first thing, before anything else, and it worked! Those productivity experts know what they are talking about ๐Ÿคฃ

I'm off to take Micky dog for a long walk now, and then it's back to my beloved writing. Daphne and Chloe don't like long walks, it's a battle to get them going! So Micky and I, and a podcast, are taking a long walk today (by long, I mean 40-45 minutes, so maybe not long by others standards!) It's a beautiful morning, so peaceful, and mild too.

Happy weekend to you and I look forward to seeing you next week!
xx Fiona
PS. Please share this with a friend who might like the same things you do, I'd appreciate it! They can join my mailing list here if they would like to receive a cheery email once a week :)


  1. Fiona, I can’t seem to comment on your blog site. I wish I could because I enjoy your blog. It’s amazing you have lived in your home for 7 years! So sweet to see your kitty. The Mother’s Day tea looked yummy. Thank you for sharing with us!

    1. It amazes me it's been seven years too!! Thank you for your lovely comment :)

  2. Fiona, I am wondering why this website doesn’t display comments?

    1. I moderate them first to avoid spam, there should be a message when you post that says that? Sorry for the confusion! x Fiona

  3. Fiona, would you be able to share the names of some of the podcasts/audios you listen to on walks. I need some inspiration to get moving.

    1. I jump around a lot and listen to whatever catches my fancy on the Podcast app on my phone! I just go in there and take a look around :)

  4. That's so nice to hear, thank you Jennifer!

  5. Hi Fiona,
    love your CEO idea.
    That is what Life Coaches do - Look up "Wheel of Life" under images and you will see circles divided up, like a cake, into segments.
    Each segment is a life area, like health, relationships, work, money, home, hobbies, etc. You can create a segment for what ever is important in your life. A Life coach would then ask you to rank each area out of 10 and anything with a low score is where you would need to make improvements if you wish.
    I also like Steven Covey's book on time management, where he says we all play roles in life and we need to spend time in each area. For example, Roles could be Personal Development, Relationships eg Wife, Mother, Co-worker, Friend, Homemaker, Investor, Career Title, Author, Artist, World Traveller, Gardener, Volunteer.
    He then created SAW, and calls it "sharpen the saw" which is health, spending time to maintain you physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health.
    I use his system when planning out my week, thinking about what I need to do in each role / life area, this is the same as your "Fiona Business" departments idea.
    The aim is to have a balanced life, making sure to spend time and other resources in all areas.

    Looking forward to seeing what your next book is.
    Oh, by the way, I got your "How to be a chic author" book as a Christmas present and whilst I have a few books on the go that I am writing, my husband finished a very simple one and I helped him publish it using your instructions in your book. It is now for sale on Amazon. Not sold any yet as it is very niche and needs marketing, but at least we have learned how to do it thanks to yourself.
    Thank you.

    1. Congratulations on your husband's book! That's amazing. Well done :)

      And thank you for the info, I love it! I read Stephen Covey's book in the 1990s, will have to revisit him!


Merci for your comment. Wishing you a chic day!

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