Friday, February 2, 2024

Hello February! And My Simple Exercise Routine

Lunch out this week with my mum Jo, brother Arden and sister Catherine.
And the doggies came too!

How has your January gone? Mine dashed by in a blur. It's been such a full-on month with visitors and people from out of town. Fun, but very easy to get out of routine and not even know what day it is...

I'm happy with my January though. I had a great time, got to see people, did a little bit of writing on my next book, stuck with my simple exercise plan and have been eating healthy too. I have also completed an update for my writer's course which I have just shared with my students.

I know skies are so boring to post but I had to show you mine! How pretty.
 I do love anything pink so thank you Mother Nature for our pinky purple sky.
Pink sky at night, sailor's delight:)

And I'm excited for February! I am being interviewed next week for an author's podcast, sending a book to a 'new to me' audiobook producer to start my series of audiobooks, and continue working on my next book too.

Such fun :)


I want to keep fit and limber as I get older and have found an exercise routine I enjoy. Very strenuous exercises wear me out, make me feel shaky, and also hungrier. Gentler approaches work best for me.

I went to a chiropractor last year for a cricked neck. When I asked, he suggested Pilates as an excellent exercise and said the core work really helps keep your back strong throughout your life.

So I looked around on YouTube and found ‘Move With Nicole’ among others. I liked her workouts best so I've stuck with her for about six months now. I like to alternate a walk one day with Pilates the next, and I try for 2-3 times a week for each, mostly 2x each per week for 30 minutes. Walk, Pilates, walk, Pilates 😊

It doesn't seem 'enough' but I still do it. And when I've had longer, harder routines in the past, I've not wanted to do them.

As you can see, I like to make a yoga studio type environment for myself, with candles and lamps, and the overhead lights off. It's so relaxing but I'm also getting a workout in. I feel rejuvenated and peaceful after a session with Nicole.

So that's my simple exercise routine. Please let me know what you enjoy.

I hope you had a fab January and are really looking forward to February as well. Let me know what your plans are!

xx Fiona

PS. What better accompaniment to this post than my book ‘100 Ways to Enjoy Self-Care for Gentle Wellbeing and a Healthy Body Image’. Finding exercise that feels elegant and enjoyable even if you only plan for it once a week on a Sunday (such as a long walk through town) will go a long way towards helping you feel better about yourself. On Kindle and in print here on Amazon.



And if you need a boost of inspiration, check out my latest book '100 Ways to Be a Chic Success and Create Your Dream Life' here on Amazon Kindle and in paperback.


Read how you can become a 'chic success' the soft way. The feminine way. The easy and fun way. I love to make things happen, but I want it to be light and playful too. Life is too short to do anything unpleasant or difficult!

And for an Amazon alternative you can download both of these eBooks (plus all my others) from my eStore here.

(My Amazon link is affiliate, which means I may earn a small commission from qualifying purchases at no extra cost to you. Thank you if you choose to use my links!)


  1. Hi Fiona, I've been doing pilates and yoga most days for about the same time as you. I to totally enjoy my 'me time' each morning.
    I use Nicole and Jessica valant for pilates and Adriene for yoga. She's so lovely and kind!
    Thank you for always sharing your journey with honesty and integrity.

  2. Hi Fiona, I'm 55 and took up restorative yoga about 18 months ago. I try to go once or twice a week. It's quite hard at the moment, though, as in England it is dark and cold in the evenings and I really have to force myself to go out. Not very zen... I really like the yoga studio with its fairy lights, music, candles and incense. I keep telling myself I can replicate this at home but, right now, I simply don't have the time to empty my spare room and sort it out. So for now I'm working on not beating myself up over it.

  3. I started exercising with my mom years ago. We first started this one guy who made us sweat (Gilad
    Bodies in Motion). Then we discovered an easier oldie one, Sweatin’ to the Oldies with Richards Simmons. I miss my mom. I still “enjoy” that DVD. I bought some of his others but I go back to the first one quite often. I have yet to “Finding exercise that feels elegant…” But that’s going to change as I lose weight. It will be easier to work out


Merci for your comment. Wishing you a chic day!

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