Thursday, November 9, 2023

Writing, and reading - books are such good friends!

Casual date night going out to a local restaurant :)

Hello chic friends!
I've been writing lots in my cozy little home office and I've almost finished my next book! So happy! I only have a little bit to go and then it's on to proof reading and editing.

I have had help editing some of my books in the past, but at this stage I prefer it to be just me. My 'voice' is kept intact, and I get to learn a new skill. I don't do any editing until right at the end, when I take my writer's hat off and put my editor's hat on.

If I can bear to leave it for a while it's easier too. But often by the time I've finished writing a book I've forgotten what the first half of the book was about so it's all okay!

I'm so happy and grateful that this fun work is my job. And that you, my lovely audience enjoy my books. I feel like I've won the lifestyle lottery much of the time!

So thank you for being wonderful, and here's cheers to another book coming soon. I can't wait for you to read it!

xx Fiona
PS. I just finished reading this book too! What a rolicking pure fiction ride. So good for a debut author. I love to read (or watch) stories with 'heart', and this one definitely had heart. The characters were real on the page, and I always appreciate quirky details. Would recommend! 


And some of my books, because, why not? :)


(My Amazon links are affiliate, which means I may earn a small commission if you purchase through them, at no extra cost to you. Thank you if you choose to use my links!)


  1. Thank you for always sending out cheer and happiness to us!
    Such a nice blog that is joyful and encouraging.
    BTW love the red nails!

  2. I don’t think I hit publish on my other comment! If this is a repeat, oops!

    Anyway, love the heart mug and your red nails! I’m playing catch-up on the posts so already bought the new book! Am digging into it now 💕


Merci for your comment. Wishing you a chic day!

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