Thursday, September 1, 2022

When you feel overwhelmed

 It has been rainy and chilly but at least the daffodils are out!
This week I have a lot on. It feels overwhelming. Plus I still have a cold so I don't have as much energy. What I am trying to do is put everything into perspective, because there is nothing bad happening, just a lot of moving parts.

I really am truly blessed to live a safe and happy life. But sometimes I need to remind myself to rest and take it easy and not be 'on' all the time. When I try to be productive every minute of the day I rebel against myself and go and do something unproductive and also unsatisfying like eating-not-for-hunger or internet shopping or reading the news online.

So today I am reminding myself to rest and get better. And to do little jobs one at a time. And tidy my environment. Doing this always helps me feel better. In fact, I feel most out of sorts when my home is messy and disorganized. Feeling defeated and down is a reminder for me to clean up my space.

Yes it takes energy, and sometimes I don't have enough to get me started, but when I begin with just one little thing and deal with it or put it away, I gain energy. And so it generates exponentially.

If you can relate to this, let me know. And please share how you overcome malaise, inertia and a general flat feeling if you have found some good techniques like me tidying my space.

Hugs to you (and from Daphne dog napping on the sofa)

xx Fiona
PS. You can find all my books including the titles below here on Amazon :)


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  1. Good morning. I always feel better and in control when things around me are in order. I do the same as you, just one thing at a time. Nothing big, more a reset. The washing and serious housework can wait, but things are put away and straightened so everything looks right until I have the energy to do more.

  2. I love your reminders to slow down and take care of oneself. Although retired now, I put a lot of pressure on myself to make goals every week. Whether it’s house related, volunteer related or creative endeavors, I always try and fill up the schedule to the max. Lately I’ve been re-reading your books. And reminding myself to slow down put health first. Thanks for all you do to keep that in the forefront. And also to post weekly again. I love looking forward to seeing a new post every Wednesday here in the US. It inspires me to go back and peruse your wonderful publications.

  3. I don't know if it's a Libran thing, but I too like to tidy and clean my wee home when I feel a bit bleuwh (spelling lol??). And almost always, it's when I haven't made myself look at least nice-ish. I have finally learnt to sit and do something that I can easily accomplish at such times, like typing out my study notes. I had the flu that was merrily sweeping through NZ, - very debilitating, so don't feel too hard on yourself. Hope you get better soon.

  4. Have to say if feeling a bit flat, tidying and cleaning is the last thing I would wish to do. Eating well and plenty of comforting drinks and relaxing watching a classic old movie together with immersing myself in my favourite upbeat music is thoroughly recommended. Hope you feel better soon.

  5. When I feel overwhelmed, too fatigued physically to care or too emotionally or mentally under the weather, I do what I learned from you. I take 10 minutes and put on something pretty, or chop a few vegetables or tidy up a small space and then sit down and read, write or even close my eyes and wait for calm for however many more minutes I have to spare. This almost always works. Thank you for all the little things you've talked about in your blog and in your books that make a big difference. xo karen


Merci for your comment. Wishing you a chic day!

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