Monday, November 8, 2021

BYO Sunshine

Is it sunny where you are right now?  It doesn’t matter, because when you carry the sunshine in your own mind, you get to feel a warm glow on your face no matter what.  You get to create your own sparkle and shine from within.

I love the power of positivity and of making your own happiness, because truly nothing feels better.  Life feels easier, you move with more momentum, and even difficult times are easier to bear.

Regrettably we cannot avoid sad situations in life even with a sunny disposition, but I have seen first-hand that those with a positive outlook go further and seem more content overall.

I have intentionally changed myself from someone who was cynical, sarcastic (I thought it was humour), and ‘realistic’ (pessimistic).  I now identify as positive, happy, lively, vibrant, light as air, sparkly and all those pretty things.  Why not?

That’s exactly what I asked myself, Why not, Fiona?

Why not live a happy life?
Why not create your own dream world to live in?
Why not make everyday life fun and creative?
Why not take jobs that aren’t that much fun and make them enjoyable?

You don’t have to be born under a lucky star to feel this way either.  When you focus on the bright side of life, everything becomes better.  You will be happier.  The people around you will be positively affected.  I promise you, give it a chance.  Don’t just say, ‘Who wants to be a Pollyanna, that’s just fake’.

It’s only fake until you absorb it in!  Imagine if someone lived entirely on junk food and thought it was fake that they would start to eat more fruits and vegetables alongside the fast food.  Eventually, they could entirely take over their diet with healthy and nutritious foods.

That’s exactly what a positive change does for your mindset.  Negative thoughts are like weeds so you need to plant flowers (positive thoughts) to crowd out the weeds.  I’m sure if we could see inside our mind it would be a real thing.  Mine would be a sea of cheery yellow daisies :)

All the best to you and your sunny, happy self.

xx Fiona

PS. Take a look at my books here at my Amazon affiliate link for more sunshine and sparkles!



  1. Fiona, thank you for writing and being an inspiration. I have a blog as well, but it wasn't until I read The Chic Author that I felt confident enough to share it publicly. I've been a marketing writer for years, and I have a master's degree in writing, yet you are the first person to provide such supportive encouraging words. Thank you for writing!

    1. Wow that's amazing to hear, Michele! If you haven't already left a review on Amazon for The Chic Author, please copy and paste your comment as a review! I would be so grateful!


Merci for your comment. Wishing you a chic day!

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