Sunday, May 17, 2020

Making every day special

This weekend is the first in New Zealand of our eased lockdown, and Paul and I had planned to go out for lunch.  A) Because it is an option now, and 2) Because we want to help support local businesses.

However... It was a cozy and rainy start to the day so we decided we would go out another day, and spend the day at home.  Paul lit the fire and it was such a treat to have the fire going early on.  It's not *that* cold but when it's drizzly weather it feels nice to have a fire.

We then took the dogs for a walk in our paddock and they had such a nice time running around, and it was good to get some fresh air too (there was a break in the weather).  After we got back, Paul decided he would cook something yummy for lunch and I did some editing of a new book in my office.  Yes, it will be out very soon, in the next week or two!

Paul and I often talk about how nice it is to have the traditional Sunday main meal at lunchtime - it's very English - so that's what we decided to do today.  I smelt yummy smells coming from the kitchen but wasn't allowed to go in there.

When I came out of my office I found the dining table set, with wine even (it was a late lunch - 1-2pm) and I was served a Pauly Special - mashed potato and kumara (sweet potato), flavoured with caramelized onion relish, chicken breast, and roasted broccoli with a divine sauce made from relish, Dijon mustard, and thyme from our garden.

Jazz was playing and it was a delightful Sunday lunch.  Paul is half English so it is obviously in his blood to partake in a big Sunday lunch, and we made it even more 'English country house' having been for an Autumn 'ramble' in the paddock beforehand.

It was such a nice idea, and even more fun because it was completely spur-of-the-moment.  Thinking about it now, it doesn't take much to make every day special (no effort for me whatsoever considering I didn't do any of the cooking or cleaning up, what a score!)  Just stepping out of your everyday, giving yourself permission to do something out of the ordinary, and enjoying life, basically.

And of course, we will go out next weekend to support the local economy; I'm sure they were busy enough this weekend with queues everywhere, without us to bother them.

Happy weekend chic friends!  Do something special today!

xx Fiona

PS.  I was so tickled to see this too - '30 Chic Days at Home' is the number 1 new release in Beauty, Grooming and Style on Amazon! (You can find it here.)

Thank you to everyone who ordered my book and helped make it happen 🌸🌺🌸

The Kindle book is still $2.99, it just shows differently on my screen due to tax added here in New Zealand πŸ’ƒ


  1. So cozy! It's raining here too in Vancouver. I have your new book and, even though I read every bit of it as we went along, I'm thrilled to have it. YAY for #1 spot.
    xo karen

  2. CONGRATULATIONS! You're amazing!

  3. Adding the idea of silk pajamas and a rose face mask to this sumptuous lunch! Unheard of for traditional English lunches, of course, but this is an unprecedented time.


Merci for your comment. Wishing you a chic day!