Sunday, May 3, 2020

Keep the home fires burning

Something that strikes me as very important is that we keep our home fires burning.  To me that means keeping our personal lives in balance as much as possible, and focusing on our own wellbeing at the same time as looking after others.

Not only will it stand us in good stead as time goes on and we emerge out the other side, but keeping our mind centered on creating calm and order can only reduce stress.

When I feel out of kilter and like things are getting on top of me resulting in general grumpiness, it’s because I feel I have lost control of my surroundings.  Not in a big way, mind you, but in all the little ways that we can forget to do things around the home.

I won’t have been picking up as much, or putting out pretty touches such as a posy from the garden in a vase, or cleaning and tidying ‘little and often’ (my husband Paul always says that ‘little and often’ is the key to life.)  Maybe I haven’t prepped food ahead of time, I haven’t kept up with the laundry.  None of these things are big in themselves, but when you ignore them for whatever reason, it feels like you vs. the world.

I know I’m being dramatic here, but when you feel bogged down it helps no-one.  For me, a surefire way to feel like I’m fully in charge of my life is to start creating order, slowly and methodically.  One load of washing off the line, folded and put away.  Making our bed.  Dishes in the dishwasher, swooshing away getting cleaned.  Flower gardens watered in dry weather.  Dinner decided on and ingredients to hand; maybe it’s even all put together and the only thing I have to do is turn on the oven later.

There are the many domestic ways in which I keep our home fires burning.  I love being at home and I love tending my home.  Doing this always puts me in such a good mood, so I’m definitely a nicer person when my house is in order.

I always think that if we support our home, our home will support us.  Keep your home fires burning and you will have done your bit.

xx Fiona

PS.  After writing this post I looked up the phrase, and ‘Keep the Home Fires Burning’ is a British patriotic song written in 1914 of soldiers in the first world war.  The lyrics talk about men being away fighting and dreaming of home.  The people left at home were doing their bit by having a cared for home for the soldiers to come back to.      

An online dictionary said this phrase means ‘To maintain daily routine and provide the necessities of life in a home or community.’  I think this is such a lovely thought to keep morale high at this time.

Bonne weekend, chic friends :)

[Pictured is our Sunday morning cafe brunch at home]


  1. I am so glad that you have been posting often, Fiona. I am always cheered up when I read a new post on your blog. I'm very much looking forward to your next book as well. ~~MJ~~

  2. Lovely post...and so true. Little things like setting the table, a nice supper, clean towels....all go a long way to making everything seem right!

  3. The song, Keep the Home Fires Burning, was written by Welsh composer, Ivor Novello. And yes, I love to be at home, too. For me it's never a hardship to be at home.
    Margaret P

  4. I keep thinking about what you wrote here:

    "None of these things are big in themselves, but when you ignore them for whatever reason, it feels like you vs. the world."

    It really resonates with me. That's exactly how I had been feeling. To be honest, I am still working on it but I have noticed that I feel more peaceful as I get things into order.


Merci for your comment. Wishing you a chic day!

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