Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Black Friday/Cyber Monday Super Special 50% Off!

You may have seen my first ever Black Friday sale, where all my books are only $2.99 for a limited time (if you didn't, you can see them here).

I was then asked: 'Are you going to do a special offer for your writer's eCourse too?  After consulting with my current students to make sure they would be okay with it, I decided to do my first ever Cyber Monday 'Create Your Dream Life as a Successful Author' home study eCourse sale.

I am thrilled to offer you the chance to enroll in my popular course for $249, which is almost half the normal cost of $497.  I know there are many of you who would love to take the course, but perhaps price is a limiting factor.  Or maybe this half-price special offer will give you the kick in the pants that you need to make a start on your writing career.  I know I'm always seriously motivated by a sale!

Coming into 2020 is the perfect time to make your dream a reality.  Classes start every Monday and run for six weeks, so you can choose to jump in now and get a head start on your new year's dreams and goals, or you can choose to start in the new year.  You can repeat the course too, whenever you want a refresher. I promise that you will have fun as well as being educated and motivated.

As well as paying only half-price, there is an exclusive bonus too.

All enrolled students (current and new) will receive a free eBook of my latest release (soon! The final edits are being done right now).  And, it's aligned perfectly with this course because it's all about writing your book.  A 'how to write a book' book I've been calling it.  As soon as it's out, my students will be the first to receive a copy to download to their Kindle or eReader.

The half-price + bonus offer is for a strictly limited time and I do hope you join us (click here), because I would be thrilled to help you create YOUR life as a successful author. Are you in?  Email me at fiona@howtobechic.com if you have any questions, otherwise I look forward to welcoming you into class soon!

xx Fiona

Saturday, November 30, 2019

The Show-Home Life: Steps 3 and 4!

Hello chic friends!

Today I want to share more of what I’ve been working on for my ‘Show Home Life Project’.  Remember in this post here, I talked about wanting to have a lovely tidy and neat home where everything is perfect, just like in a show home or even a hotel (five star please!)  The phrase ‘a place for everything and everything in its place’ has always appealed to me.  It just sounds so soothing, doesn’t it?  Every time I hear it I am reminded of my goal.

To recap the first few steps for this project, they are:

Step one: deciding what your project is.  For me, it’s making my home – and life – into that of a perfect show home.  Not really, and I’m not obsessive about it, but just for fun. I am inspired not to be slovenly with this project :)

Step two: working out what is getting in the way between you and your desired vision.  In that same post I detailed the areas which were most bothersome – my office, my closet, my sewing room and a few cupboards about the place.

Then I moved onto step three: taking action!  Because I had already been ruminating over what I wanted to improve in these areas I was ready to go all in and start making big changes.  My sewing room was the biggest because it had become the room where things went ‘just for now’ as well as temporarily storing some items for family members.

One day a few weeks ago I had the whole afternoon free, or rather I ignored everything on my to-do list and focused entirely on my sewing room.  Every single thing came out, into the garage, leaving only a few large pieces of furniture – a desk, bookshelf and small dining table which I use for a cutting table.  Then I vacuumed lots.  Then I moved the desk and table around to suit the room better.  Then I put back the items I wanted to keep and boxed the rest up for donation.

(Before pictures! So sorry for the assault on your eyes!)

Even Jessica cat was hiding behind my sewing machine from the chaos.

It was a marathon effort and I slept like a rock that night.  I even had to get my husband Paul to bring takeaway Indian home for dinner because I was so exhausted.  But it was a good exhaustion.  I felt exhilarated and my sewing room looked – and felt – wonderful.  I have been using it more and even shouted myself a new iron, because ours was rather elderly and even a bit dangerous.  It had been dropped years ago and glued back together.  The on/off light on the handle had pushed in and was showing wires!  I found out that irons aren’t even *that* expensive either, so I do wonder why I waited so long (and risked possible electrocution).

I want to put some more pictures up in my sewing room too.  Now that all the clutter is gone it will be nice to bring in some beauty.  I need to buy a few packets of those gold picture hooks for this so they will go on my shopping list.  I have enough art prints and old paintings to supply a few for this room.

(The After pictures.  So soothing.)

(Our old dining table which is now my cutting table and I am making some new cloth coasters from lovely fabrics out of a sample book).

And that’s step four – adding a few final touches to make your home an inspiring and encouraging place to be in.  You can see here in my office below a little picture wall I put up.  One print is from my trip to London which I had framed, and the rest are from charity stores and auction box lots – all inexpensive, but with a similar theme in terms of colour, framing, and topics – London, Paris, floral, feminine.

I hope you found my before and after photos inspiring.  I LOVE seeing others results, even if it's a bit embarrassing to put up the before photos - I do it all in service to you :)

xx Fiona

PS. I know it's Thanksgiving in the US, and even though we don't celebrate it officially in New Zealand, I want to say that I am super grateful for you, my readers for being here.

To celebrate, and for Black Friday (black is very chic, is it not?), I am offering something I have never done before.  All of my Kindle books (many of which are usually $9.99) will be priced at $2.99 for a strictly limited time.

Take this opportunity to fill your Kindle library with chic inspiration heading into the holiday season and to start your new decade with a renewed spirit.

You can find all of my books here:

Happy Chic Friday everyone!