Thursday, July 18, 2019

Building a beautiful life with routines

Hello chic friends, do you like the photo of my street?  There are grape vines down the road from us.  It's winter here and they are all pruned back, but just look at those colours; they're glorious, yes?  I lightened up this photo on my phone, but that's all the 'editing' I've done.

This photo encapsulates the feeling I want for my everyday life - a feeling of peace and beauty.  And I have been on a quest to capture that feeling for a long time now.  One thing that always helps me feel good is having the basics taken care of - laundry is up to date, I know what I'm having for dinner, my bed is made, the house is clean and tidy, that sort of thing - daily life.  Having these things sorted means I can feel relaxed and focus on what I need to do that day, as well as dream big for the future.

I've been using Flylady's routines for about three weeks now and they really useful.  I've had her book Sink Reflections for ages, but never read it properly, just flicked through it (I ordered her newest book on Kindle too).  Reading it and actually implementing what she says has been a big help - who would have thought!  And she led me on to Diane in Denmark's Flylady videos on YouTube.  Diane is very motivating to me!  She makes things simple and currently I am enjoying going through her 31 Babysteps video playlist as I put my makeup on in the morning or sip a cup of tea.

I can be easily distracted and the basics get forgotten about which means a stressful scramble when I realise I haven't even thought about dinner or my bed is not made yet I must leave the house within sixty seconds.  I really can't stand to leave a bed messy; I'd rather be late by a few minutes and make the bed before I leave.  But that's just because I started that habit of always making my bed a long time ago.  Of course I'd rather not be late either so that's something else I am working on, and the simple daily routines of Flylady help with that too because I feel ahead of the game instead of behind.

Something cool I did find was the Flylady Premium app for my phone.  It's free and fantastic.  The routines area means I can tick them off on my phone.  I deleted a few and added some of my own to customise the list.

I have even been putting an outfit together for the next day most nights, and it's fun!  This has encouraged me to wear different clothes than normal, and add the finishing touches such as a scarf or necklace too.  Plus, when I hang up an outfit on the hooks in our wardrobe, I can see that something needs me to whizz over it with the lint shaver or a button is loose.  It feels good to play around in my wardrobe rather than zoom in once a day to get quickly dressed.  I appreciate my clothes more and I look after them instead of wanting to go out and buy something new.

Do you have any routines that you know your life would fall apart without?  What are your favourites?

Please share :)


PS. If you haven't read any of my books yet, why not pop over to Amazon and download samples for free?  You can find them here.


  1. My daughter has been using the FlyLady program and really likes it. Thanks for the links. I just downloaded the app. Because I'm not working I think I have all this time, and really I do need to keep a schedule. I have made up my own that I follow every day, but I'm going to give this a try and see if it helps me stay better organized.

    1. I know what you mean Deborah. When you don't have the structure of going to a workplace, you need to make up your own otherwise a day can be unproductive because you think time is endless. I totally get it!

  2. I have never heard of Flylady...will need to do some research. Thank you for sharing it with us.
    I like to make the bed as soon as I get up in the morning before I have my coffee. I spend a few minutes sipping and checking emails and social media then I shower and get dressed...after that I tackle a few domestic jobs an go for my walk. Afternoons are usually free time so I decide whether to work in the garden, run errands, read or knit. Then I prepare the dinner ingredients ready for cooking later in the husband who still works likes to eat around 7 pm.

    1. Sounds like a beautiful and simple routine to me, Leslie :) I love the term 'free time', and it makes sense to have both routine and free time.

  3. I will have to look up Flylady as well. Having just retired, I am having a little difficulty actually doing all of the chores I've been putting off for years. I have a trip planned and I want the house to be tidy from top to bottom when I return, so I have to buckle down. I don't think the cleaning fairies will do it for me while I'm gone! I've started putting up a couple of outfits on hooks Sunday night in case there is an impromptu invitation or my husband surprises me with a date. The other is to pull my sheets to the end of the bed when I first get up & let them air out while I am busy in the washroom. After I get dressed, I spray my pillowcase & sheets with lavender fragrance and make the bed. When I climb in at night there is a soft scent that eases me into sleep. Carol in VT

  4. I have followed Flylady for many years and it totally changed my life! I have a morning routine that is working fabulously for me at the moment. As soon as I wake up, I have a glass of water, change into walking clothes, make the bed (unless my husband is still in it :)) then put the jug on. While the water is boiling, I do a walk through of the house to make sure everything is tidy. I put a load of wash on then if needed. I allow 20 minutes for all this. Then I spend 20 minutes planning my day, checking my menu plan and writing in my journal while I have my cup of tea. Then I walk for about an hour. When I get home, I hang out the laundry, have breakfast and then shower and dress. By that time, the house is clean and tidy, I look presentable and the rest of the day seems to run very smoothly.

  5. I love routines, however flylady and I were not meant to be. But, following her a few years ago meant that I did make some of my routines more efficient.

  6. I have that app on my phone but haven't been using it much. I just poked around on it and saw the list you talked about and I love it. I had no idea I could customize it for my personal daily routines. I'm going to start using it now. There is something about the thorough nature of Flylady's zones that I really like. You don't have to do everything all at once, but it all gets done on a schedule and it makes it manageable.

  7. I love Flylady and have been following her for years now. I just can't go to bed without shining my sink, and making my bed is a must do. I have adopted so many of her routines and my life is so much better for it. I no longer have a Mount Washmore, my meals are all planned out and shopped for. I have things in my Launching pad and all my surfaces are clutter free. Nothing is put off longer than Anti-procrastination Wednesday. It is difficult to do the de-clutter boogie woogie now. The one thing that I still have trouble with is getting dressed to shoes as soon as I get up.

  8. I've followed Flylady (or fluttered at least) since 2001 when it was really just a yahoo group and website. Routines really do make life a whole lot easier and it frees up my weekends a lot when I stick with it. Marla is so sweet and I highly recommend following her YouTube channel as well. Anybody looking at starting this system, just remember that you have to adapt it to your life. Some people say it doesn't work for them because they try to do everything all at once and fit things in that don't work for them.

  9. This was helpful! Will look into Flylady. Thank you! I did the outfit thing you suggested & it made my life a lot easier. Appreciate the tip!


Merci for your comment. Wishing you a chic day!