Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Reaching your goal with a laser focus


I’ve been feeling a little bit scattered the past few weeks and it’s been hard for me to focus.  I have a big goal I’m working on and it’s nearing completion which I think has been the cause of my procrastination (it’s a bit scary for me!)

I’ve been busy behind the scenes writing my first full-length ‘proper’ book:  Thirty Chic Days:  Practical inspiration for a beautiful life.  I was inspired by the first and third series of my popular Thirty Chic Days blog series, however this book is completely new information rather than a compilation like my first three eBboks.

I’ve written twenty-two chapters so far, and the last eight are hard!  Often with goals like this or with losing weight or maybe a savings goal, it can be the final part when you’re the closest to your goal that proves the most challenging.

I was listening to one of my motivational podcasts out walking this morning, and the speaker talked about having a laser focus.  She said when you’re lacking clarity or enthusiasm, to have a laser focus on just one thing. 

So instead of thinking about the final edit or the cover design, I’m better served being focused on just getting the next chapter finished.  And then the next chapter and the next.  Before you now it I’ll be doing the final edit/proofread, having the cover designed and I’ll have finished my book.

So that’s where I am today, focusing with the intensity of a laser on just the next chapter.  I’m excited to share Thirty Chic Days:  Practical inspiration for a beautiful life when it’s finished, but until then I’ll get on writing!

Tell me, what’s one thing you would like to have a laser focus on today?


  1. Hi Fiona,

    I couldn't agree more that while having a view on the desired end is key, putting one foot in front of the other usually provides the best means to get there. Sometimes, though, there is quicksand on the path and detours or fancy footwork are necessary!

    All the best on your new oeuvre. I look forward to reading it with great anticipation.


  2. Thanks Alison, love your description! I'll practice my fancy footwork :)

  3. Good on you Fiona. Writing is hard work - as an author i know this for a certainty!! But keep at it, i can't wait to read your next book


  4. Can't wait! But no pressure....:)

  5. Congratulations on the upcoming book. I cannot wait to read it. Your perspective on a Chic life is always fresh and well worth reading. Now if I could just follow all your suggestions, I would be the most Chic woman in the world, both inside and out.

    Thank you, I love your blog and have read your other books as well

  6. This approach brings back a breath of ease into your project. I love it!

  7. As a fellow author, I have to agree that focusing JUST on the next scene (for me, a novelist) or section or chapter is the ONLY way to get a big project finished. I think this is true for a big project of any nature (finding a new job, buying a new house, painting the bedroom, writing a book, knitting a sweater). The minute I start thinking about the big picture or what happens *after* this specific project is done or anything but the next word (or interview, house viewing, brush stroke or stitch), I get distracted, scattered, ineffectual & I start frittering hours away & getting no where. Congratulations on your book, btw -- you're headed into the home-stretch, and that's always tough as you fight to wrap up all the loose ends & ideas into a cohesive whole. But it'll happen! Trust the process. [And please, don't give a thought to all your readers out here impatiently waiting to read it! LOL!]

  8. Yay! I am so excited for your new book!!

    I think having a laser focus is the best way to approach ALL tasks. Easier said than done, though! :)

  9. Thank you everyone for your lovely words!

  10. I look forward to reading each chapter just as I look forward to your blog posts. You are such an inspiration for me; I keep your other books on my tablet for quick pick-me-ups. Thank you!

  11. What are your favorite podcasts or people you listen to while you walk or do other things? I would love to get some new people to listen to on my list! Thank you Fiona, and thank you for your blog.

  12. Me, podcasts I have been listening to lately include Tonya Leigh's French Kiss Life, Kimberly Wilson's Tranquility du Jour, Cassie Parks' Happy Ever After, and I love Gina DeVee's Divine Living Radio show. I'm not a coach but I find Gina's podcasts so inspiring, they give me a kick in the pants.

    I also listen to a lot on YouTube - Brian Tracy gets me organised, interviews with Peter Walsh, inspiring Oprah guests, and Jennifer L. Scott of course. I convert my favourites to mp3s with listentoyoutube.com so I can listen to them on my walks!


Merci for your comment. Wishing you a chic day!

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