For the month of September I plan to document daily steps I have taken towards a chic, elegant and healthy life. My goal is to keep uppermost in my mind the kind of life I want to live. I will be focusing on all the small things I do each day that lead me towards my goal, rather than away from it.
Well, it's just the one accomplishment today - we bought a house. Actually, we bought it last week, but today was the day we instructed our lawyer to make the contract unconditional, since all the legal work and building reports etc were fine.
My husband and I are both very excited about this next stage in our life, as homeowners. Thankfully we both have similar views on money, and how we want to live. We deliberately chose a less expensive home than we could have, simply because we don’t want a huge mortgage.
Don’t get me wrong, our mortgage is still big enough, as mortgages tend to be, but I think we’ve left ourselves leeway for rate increases, unexpected expenses, living life and of course paying that thing off as quick as possible.
We are also excited about how we can make it look like us, but on a budget. It’s quite a modern style house (twenty years old) and the possibilities of how it could look are fun to imagine.
I also am thinking about intelligent storage (on that same petite budget, of course) which can be built into wardrobes and cupboards. I have a great book out of the library at the moment – The Beverly Hills organizer's home organizing bible. There is also a website.
I must admit, being the Beverly Hills organizing bible gives it a bit more cachet than if it was named after a less glamorous neighbourhood (call me shallow). It seems to be a very practical book though, and has lots of pictures of open doors and drawers, showing how to organise every room in your home.
So I am on turbo-decluttering now, and starting to pack.
Apart from that I've tried to remember to choose healthy foods today, drink lots of water, breathe, do my work in the shop, and smile.
If you feel like you want to make September a chic month for you as well, please join me. You are welcome to share your mini-chic accomplishments for the day (or the previous day if you read in the morning) in the comments section. It would be lovely to have you along for the ride!
Image from Beverly Hills Organiser
Well how exciting! Congratulations on your new home! I am really happy for you and hope that you and your husband truly enjoy the process of making it feel like "you"! By the way, is the photo of those shelves yours? I love the way they are arranged! Maybe I'll try something similar!:)
ReplyDeleteI had the same question Colleen did - about the bookshelves. I think arranging one of our sets of shelves might be MY chic move for today (after I get home from a ladies' luncheon at a lovely tea house).
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on securing your new home and the wise decision of not purchasing one at the top of your limits!
Congratulations! I admit I was immediately drawn in by the picture of the bookcases. One day I promise muyself I will be surrounded by bookcases--I just don't trust people who don't read. ;)
ReplyDeletePlanning a new space is such fun, and I am nodding right along with you on the idea of storage like built-ins. I live in a Cape style, where storage is at a premium because the house is so little and lots of it used up by the eaves in the top floor. Good luck! It will be fun to watch the journey.
Congratulations! Buying you first home is so exciting and nerve wracking you must be over the moon.
ReplyDeleteCongratualations! Sounds like you have made a good decision in purchasing your new home--for the right reasons. Looking forward to seeing the results of your creative energy unleashed in your new "palette". xxBliss
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on your new home and your wise financial decision making! I too look forward to seeing how you make this house your chic home.
ReplyDeleteVery exciting! Congratulations!!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! Hope everything goes well!
ReplyDeleteThat is exciting news Fiona!
ReplyDeleteI hope you will share some images of your new home when you get settled in.
Good luck with the de clutter and packing.
In the light of organization I suggest that you label your boxes to make unpacking an easier task...you probably know this but I didn't 30 years ago and it was chaos on moving day!
Oh, that's wonderful news, Fiona! Congratulations to you and your husband. I hope the two of you enjoy many happy years there.
Congratulations, Fiona! That's wonderful! Bess
ReplyDeleteSo exciting! I have never commented before, and I really adore your blog. Congratulations,
Hi Fiona
ReplyDeleteOne thing I would like to suggest is that you pack a suitcase for you and your husband when you move. I did when I moved and it was a lifesaver. Pack a change of clothes and pajamas but also a roll of bathroom tissue, towels, shampoo, soap toothbrush, and toothpaste, light bulbs and most importantly a couple of mugs and teabags and a kettle. This way you will have all the essentials in one spot and you won't be searching through boxes for a light bulb as the sun goes down or for a towel so you can have a shower or wash your face before bed.
Also I tried to use up as much as possible in the kitchen before I moved and did a nice big shop and filled the new kitchen before the movers arrived.
FYI Spagetti with peas and ketchup is NEVER a good idea. It is however a good reason to go out for dinner!
I am very happy for you!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! I'm so happy for the both of you.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on your new home! That is quite the accomplishment for one day! :) xxoo
ReplyDeleteCongratulations!!! The first day you turn the key of your new door and cross the threshold will be fabulous. Keep us all posted xx
ReplyDeleteone of the things I look forward to in life is owning my own permanent home. :) oh the imagination...~~~
Congratulations! That's so exciting!
ReplyDeleteHaha...my mini-accomplishment was that I went to the grocery store yesterday and b/c I actually had food...I was thinking about all the different things I could eat...so I wouldn't just eat frozen meals (and save those during exam-time when I have zero time). So, I actually made a little list of possible meals w/ the things that I bought and already had.
And, last night...I listened to a meditation podcast right before going to sleep. It was like a yoga relaxation exercise. Slept soooo well! So inspired to go to yoga class tonight! ;)
A hearty congratulations on your new home. I am very happy for you and your husband Fiona.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! I'm sure with your savvy skills with budgeting, you will address the shelves and everything else with aplomb. Again, congratulations!
ReplyDeleteI am so very happy and excited for you Fiona! Well done.
Colleen, thank you! No, the shelves aren't mine, but I love them. They are off the Beverly Hills Organiser's website. There are lots of lovely organising photos for your viewing pleasure there. One of my favourite things to do it take all the books off my shelves and dust/rearrange. They seem fresh again.
ReplyDeleteRebecca, merci!
Zuzu's Petals, thank you and I feel the same about books. Not that I don't trust someone, but I find it odd if there are no books around. I guess some people are like magnets for books and some aren't.
Gracie's Mom, yes, equal parts excitement and terror.
Bliss, me too!
Juhli, LuxeBytes, LR, merci!
Hostess, that has crossed my mind and I think I did it last time. Having a room named on a box makes things simple at the other end.
Cynthia, Bess, Amanda, thank you for your kind thoughts.
Gracie's Mom, what a fabulous idea which I would never have thought of. You forgot to mention the brandy though. We are already making 'creative' meals from our pantry items although your one takes the cake.
Russian Chic, Stephanie, Cathi, Vanessa, merci!
Aspen, I have dreamed of that day for many a year too. It will be nice to know we can stay as long as we want and do what we want to it.
Ani, go you the meal planner. I listened to relaxing music last night too. I used to turn it on every night but I've gotten out of the habit. It really does settle the body and mind and help you drift off.
Julie, Aesthetic Alterations, Erina, thank you.
Congratulations! Very excited for you!